Customer Spotlight: Landscaping Plus

Posted by Wyoming Machinery Company Marketing on Aug 1, 2017 3:21:56 PM

For 13 years, Rob Moorehouse has relied on Wyoming Machinery Company and CAT equipment to help him get the job done.


Landscaping Plus is a family owned and operated landscaping company in Torrington, Wyoming. They specialize in customized landscaping, tree installation, water sprinkler maintenance and installation, retaining walls, edging, rock mulch and much more for the Torrington area. For 13 years, Rob Moorehouse has relied on Wyoming Machinery Company and CAT equipment to help him get the job done.

When Rob started his landscaping company he knew he wanted quality equipment that would be reliable and durable to keep him going with little downtime. Having operated Cat equipment in the past, he knew what to expect when purchasing Cat machines. When asked about his choice to purchase Cat equipment Rob stated, “The equipment was easy to use, never broke down and the service was excellent. It was a no brainer really.”

Rob currently owns three pieces of Cat equipment which consists of: a 252B Skid Steer, a 236D Skid Steer, and a 416C Backhoe. For Rob, one of the benefits of Cat equipment for his business is the ease of use. He says, “The joystick controls are great, everyone can run one.” He understands that by having equipment that everyone feels confident operating, the more they can keep their jobs on schedule.

Having reliable, user friendly equipment is important to Rob, but the relationship he has built with Wyoming Machinery Company over the years is as equally important.

“They are always there for me, they work with me to get parts out here, and will work with my schedule when maintenance needs to be done.”

Being a family owned local company, working with a Wyoming owned company was a nice benefit for Rob. “I live in Wyoming, and it’s nice to support a Wyoming company.”

Rob knows that one of the key elements to having reliable equipment is keeping up on the service and maintenance of his machines. During his down time he makes sure to have his equipment sent to Cheyenne’s Wyoming Machinery Company shop for inspection and maintenance. “It’s an easy process- they work with my schedule to reduce down time. We try to do some of the smaller maintenance ourselves so we order parts, and often we can get parts within 24 hours or less, also eliminating downtime for us.”

When asked if he would recommend Wyoming Machinery Company to someone looking for a new piece of equipment his answer was an easy one.

“I always recommend Wyoming Machinery Company, the equipment is reliable, and the service after the sale is great. For me relationships are everything and the relationship I have with Wyoming Machinery Company is great, they are there for me, and want to see me succeed.”

Topics: Customer Spotlight

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